Mass Killings Going on NOW in the Nuba Mountains – Ethnic Cleansing is Underway

An urgent message from Faith McDonnell of the Institute on Religion and Democracy:

The United States must intervene and stop the ethnic cleansing of the Nuba that is taking place right now in the Nuba Mountains. What Khartoum is doing right now makes the situations in Libya, Egypt, and even Syria pale by comparison.  Our friends are being slaughtered.

Members of Congress who have cared about Sudan MUST push U.S. intervention. This information must reach the news media . Any presidential candidates and potential candidates must be briefed on this potential genocide taking place.

Information from the top commander of the SPLA in the Nuba Mountains and from church leaders:

Mass killing is going on of civilians by the Sudan Armed Forces and the Popular Defense Force.

The people are fleeing to the UN Compound, but it is now the command center of Ahmed Haroun because the Egyptians from the UN who have been there agree with Bashir. They turned the compound over to Haroun, although they made it appear as if they gave it up under duress, and they are turning the people over to the PDF militia – Misseriya Arabs – Al Qaeda Sudan who are killing them.

All the villages between Kadugli and Dilling – they are bombing and going house to house and killing all the Nuba.

Tracking down the Christians, burned down the churches, looted everything, looking for Bishop Andudu, tracking down all those who voted for the SPLM.

This is a massacre like that which the Nuba experienced during the war.

This is an eradication campaign

Hundreds and thousands of people are being killed

Bombing of Unity State is actually a continuation of the bombing campaign in South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains.

Nuba forces on their own fighting against hordes of Arabs from the north.

The UN compound is now the killing ground.

I thank you for your concern and helpful participation.


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Nuba Mountains American Advocacy Group Endorses Efforts of Saturday’s Rally













Suleman Bahkit: Chairman

Slater Armstrong: Vice Chairman

George Tutu: member

Ken Leonczyk: legal counsel

Iwani Awlari: member

Mario Angelo: Secretary General

Caesar Ritchie, MD: member

Alawiya Kisheib: Treasurer

Kafi Manakdan: member

Posted in Activism, Arab Militia, Central Sudan Government, Nuba Mountains, Omar al-Bashir | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Nuba Mountains American Advocacy Group Endorses Efforts of Saturday’s Rally

Sudan’s Bashir Proposes Giving Free Land to ‘Serious Investors’

From Bloomberg News, June 6:

Sudanese President Umar al-Bashir proposed that the African country offer land for free to “serious investors,” with priority for “vital projects,” state-run SUNA news agency reported today.

A timeline for these projects must be laid out and the land would not be designated for any investors before their seriousness is proven, the news agency reported Bashir as saying in a speech in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital.

Bashir said that priority would be given to projects that the country needs most, such as wheat and sugar production, SUNA said. The Khartoum-based news agency did not say whether the proposal would be voted into law or when it would be implemented.

Southern Sudan will assume control of 75 percent of Sudan’s daily oil production of 490,000 barrels when it is declared independent from Sudan on July 9. The Sudanese government is working to diversify its exports away from oil to cope with the secession of the oil-rich south, SUNA quoted Bashir as saying June 2.

>>> More

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Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Rally in DC on Saturday, June 4 for Sudan’s Victims of Khartoum Jihad:

Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Date: Saturday, June 4, 2011, 1:00 PM

Location: Freedom Plaza

The people of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, in collaboration with Darfuris, Easterners, Nubians, journalists, civil society groups as well as representatives of Sudanese political parties of Sudan in the U.S. urge you to attend the planned rally in Washington DC on June 4, 2011 to advocate for real peace in Sudan.

We call on the International Community to take serious measures against the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan for its blatant crimes against its citizens across the country. It was Khartoum’s injustices, coercion and inequalities which led to the rebellion in South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan. The United Nations has acknowledged that more than 2 million were killed and many millions more were displaced in South Sudan alone during the last war between North and South Sudan, which has been halted by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005. The scope of the crimes of the NCP in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions remain unknown.

Today, the same government is mercilessly carrying out brutal attacks in the western section of the country (Darfur) where the UN speaks of more than 300,000 people being killed. Millions have been displaced internally and externally, living in refugee camps where the government continuous its coercions. The government has targeted civilians by bombing and razing their cities, towns, villages and poisoning wells which are the only sources for drinking water in Darfur. The ongoing disgraceful crimes in Darfur have been qualified a “genocide” and the sitting President Omar Al- Bashir, along with cabinet members Ahmed Mohamed Harun and Ali Kusheb have been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity and genocide. Nonetheless, all the perpetrators of the atrocities in Sudan remain free, unconcerned and continue their crimes loudly and blatantly in a clear defiance to the world’s rule of law.

Furthermore, the regime of Khartoum has boldly breached the internationally guaranteed CPA which many in the country and abroad view as a model for bringing justice and peace in Sudan. The ruling National Congress Party reneged on protocols of Power Sharing, Wealth Sharing and Security Arrangements. Many reports by international organizations such as Concordis International and Small Armed Survey have shown that Khartoum has accumulated more than 50,000 of its troops in the volatile state of South Kordofan which borders four Southern States plus Abyei. The Concordis estimated in its report of 2010 that Khartoum has a paramilitary force (Popular Defense Forces, PDF) of about “20,000” in the fragile state of South Kordofan alone.

In April 19, 2011, George Clooney’s Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP) reported that its analysis of Digital Globe satellite imagery showed evidence consistent with intentional burning in South Kordofan. The incident was executed by the PDF under the command of Ahmed Harun, one of the indicted men for various crimes in Sudan’s Darfur. The event were carried in town of El-fed Um-Abdalla where more than 20 people, including two women and a child, were burned to death in one of more than 300 razed homes.

On April 27, 2011, President Bashir reiterated publicly his government’s policy of war and crimes by promising to prosecute the Nuba people from “hill to hill and from cave to cave” by “artillery or by horses”. The mention of use of horse is a terrorizing reference to the Janjawid militia which is currently in operation in Darfur.

Other violations of Human Rights and Democracy are on the NCP’s agenda. Bashir has stated, also publicly, that his regime will proclaim Sudan an “an Islamic and an Arabic State” when South Sudan separates from the rest of the country in July 9 of this year. The government has continuously detained journalists and restricted freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of mobilization all of which are enshrined in Sudan’s Interim Constitution. Human rights advocates and prodemocracy groups have been repressed with an iron fist. Amnesty International and various such organizations have expressed alarm that students and pro-democracy advocates have increasingly been kidnapped, raped, tortured and detained by the NCP arbitrarily. In addition, Khartoum’s tie with terrorist organizations such as Hamas is continuous. Recently, Israel has launched several aerial strikes in Sudan targeting convoys of cargos loaded with weapons intended for Palestinian terrorists Hamas.

To demand human rights and the same consideration being given to those who have just recently begun to protest in such places as Egypt, Libya, Yemen, etc., Sudanese and their various civil society organizations in the U.S. will hold a demonstration and rally to raise awareness about the danger the NCP presents to Sudanese and to the global security and to inspire popular uprising across Sudan to remove one of the most notorious regimes in the world today.

Please come to support the Sudanese in their cause of justice, freedom and peace across Sudan.

A memo will be delivered to the Obama Administration, Ban-Ki Moon, Secretary of UN, members of U.S. Congress, Representative of EU in U.S., to IGAD, and Think-Tanks.

For more information please contact:

Gafar Kangam: [email protected]; 571-331-2834 or
Ibrahim Alhag: 703-209-4592

Posted in Abyei, Activism, Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Nuba Mountains, Southern Sudan, Video | Comments Off on Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Peace in Sudan is a Global Security Concern

An open letter and petition of the Nuba Mountains Advocacy Group to President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Members of the U.S. Congress, and International leaders, June 4, 2011.

The Sudanese Diaspora in the United States is grateful for your enduring commitment to justice and peace in Sudan.  As you know, our country has been victimized from its independence in 1956 until today because of consecutive regimes comprised of a small, racist elite. This elite has ruled the nation on the basis of racial and religious marginalization, disenfranchisement and coercion for more than five decades. Over 2.5 million of our fellow Southern Sudanese lost their lives and millions more were displaced by the genocidal war and ethnic cleansing waged by Khartoum. This regime has also been host to Osama bin Laden and has supported and participated in the global network of terrorists

Most of the world is unaware that Khartoum’s war against the South also included the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, and Eastern Sudan. Khartoum’s atrocities against these regions have not been fully acknowledged among Sudan’s human rights violations. But these regions experienced the same vicious and ongoing war crimes at the hands of Khartoum, on the same scale as our brothers and sisters in the South. And these regions were the actual battle grounds for most of the fights between North and South.

U.S. and global advocacy for Sudan culminated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in 2005 in Kenya. A key step to the CPA was a Nuba Mountains ceasefire, brokered by Special Envoy John Danforth. The CPA resulted in relative peace and potential development in South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile States. People dared to hope for a better future for themselves and for their children. But remaining tensions due to the NCP’s continuous violations of the CPA and its failure to implement all of the CPA provisions were exacerbated by the U.S. government and world community’s failure to hold Khartoum responsible for these violations in any meaningful way.

Now the ruling minority NCP has again proved that it did not act in good faith when it signed the CPA. Most of the world, and particularly our good friends and supporters in the United States Congress and the Administration, are working to end the suffering of the Sudanese people. But Khartoum does not share this passion. Instead of working for peace and stability in the country, the NCP is committed to destruction and chaos throughout the nation, and threatening security in the region and even beyond.  

Eyewitnesses, Concordis International, Small Armed Survey, and International Crisis Group have all reported a heavy build-up of Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Popular Defense Forces (PDF) in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan State. More than 50,000 SAF are deployed in the state and along the 1956 North/South border line. Furthermore, reports show that the government has armed more than 20,000 PDF militias, to fight as Northern proxies. On April 19, 2011, The Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP) “confirmed that at least 356 structures in the town of el-Feid, located in the Nuba Mountains region of South Kordofan State, Sudan, have been razed.” More than 20 people, including two elderly women and a child, were burned to death in a home set ablaze by Khartoum’s PDF. And the city of Abyei was also burned to the ground and looted by Khartoum’s troops and militias.

The CPA provision on a Popular Consultation for the Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan States says there must be a: “democratic right and mechanism to ascertain the views of the people of the Southern Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile States on the comprehensive agreement reached by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement.” According to the CPA timeline, this was to take place at the “beginning of the 4th Year of the signing of the Agreement” (i.e. January 2009) but it has not yet taken place, due to the NCP’s lack of will to implement this right.

Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan State elections finally took place on May 2, 2011. Local observers and representatives of participating political parties reported multiple attempts by the NCP to rig elections at the voting centers. And according to state election guidelines, election results are to be declared immediately. But the NCP illegally prevented the state National Election Commission office from releasing results until it could manipulate them in favor of its candidate, Ahmed Haroun, an internationally indicted war criminal and perpetrator of genocide in Darfur. Shockingly, international election monitors, the Carter Center, failed to denounce this travesty.

We are profoundly troubled by the possibility of the resumption of war in these regions or any other region in Sudan, and we ask for your leadership in the imperative actions of our attached petition to prevent human catastrophe in our country. The evil perpetrated by the Islamist regime of Omar al Bashir surpasses that of those dictators in the Middle East against whom Arab citizens have only recently begun demonstrating. Please remember that courageous, marginalized people of Sudan have offered decades of resistance, costing millions of lives, to forced Islamization and Arabization by a regime intrinsically connected to Al Qaeda and other perpetrators of global jihad terrorism. And remember that Sudanese in the Diaspora have offered warnings and information about Khartoum’s Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda connections, not embraced them as have some of the “freedom fighters” of the Arab Spring.

Please read and seriously consider our attached petitions, not just for the sake of the marginalized and oppressed people of Sudan, but for the sake of global security. A free and democratic Sudan would be a tremendous asset to the world. Once again, we thank you for your support and your commitment to bringing peace, justice, and freedom to all Sudanese. 


Nuba Mountains Advocacy Group

Peace in Sudan is a Global Security Concern

Petitions of the Sudanese Marginalized People to the United States Government

Indicted war criminal President of Sudan Omar al Bashir is preparing for massive and destructive war in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. He has already violated international standards of human rights, and violated Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement by attacking Abyei, by continuing the ongoing brutal conflict in Darfur, and by continuing to the egregious oppression of the Beja in Eastern Sudan.

We believe that the following actions, if taken swiftly and determinedly, by the United States government and the international community, will prevent the looming disaster in the country:

1)      Immediate imposition of a No Fly Zone and demobilization of NCP forces in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan States.

2)      Immediate raising of the status of UNMIS from Chapter (6) to Chapter (7) to protect civilians in the volatile states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile., as well as for Darfur and Abyei where civilians are currently being killed.

3)      Demand the demobilization of SAF and PDF in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan.

4)      Ask the international community to intervene militarily to protect civilians if the Bashir government reignites the conflict in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan and Blue Nile States.

5)      Recognize and denounce fraudulent and rigged May election results in South Kordofan State; and denounce Ahmed Haroun as unfit to be a governor due to his role in crimes against humanity in Darfur. Push for the extradition of Haroun and all indicted persons for atrocities committed in Sudan to stand trials outside the country to ascertain justice and accountability.

6)      Demand that Khartoum agree to new security and political arrangements in the two states immediately and before July 9th, the date of independence of South Sudan, as peoples of these regions have legitimate grievances over issues guaranteed in the CPA.

7)      Tougher isolation of the NCP government internationally in an effort to make it comply with other obligations such as ending human rights abuses, allowing for freedom of press, and allowing for democratization of national constitution to ensure pluralism that would accommodate the diverse ethnic and religious communities in our country.

Posted in Abyei, Activism, Arab Militia, Beja, Central Sudan Government, Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Darfur, Election Violence, International Support, Nuba Mountains, Omar al-Bashir, President Obama, Southern Sudan, SPLA, SPLM, U.S. Congress Action | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Peace in Sudan is a Global Security Concern

Canadian Activists Post an Open Letter to P.M. Harper on Sudan Crisis

From Mel Middleton, Executive Director, Freedom Quest International

Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 10:36 PM

Subject: Open Letter to PM Harper on Crisis in Sudan
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Dear Mr. Harper,
Re: Urgent Situation in Sudan — Requires Immediate Canadian Leadership!
As a Canadian who has lived and worked in Sudan since 1978, I, on behalf of our organization, would like to voice our deepest concerns for what has just happened in that country this past week. A crisis has arisen which undermines the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the north and south, and which could very well plunge the region back into another genocidal war.

As you are probably aware, northern Sudanese armed forces, acting on what is now widely seen as a pretext, carried out a pre-meditated attack on the town of Abyei on May 21. The Joint Integrated Unit forces, mandated by the CPA to maintain security in the Abyei region, disintegrated and were swept away by an overwhelming force of troops, tanks, helicopter gunships, Antonov bombers and northern militia. Surrounding villages were also attacked. Of the civilians who survived, tens of thousands fled south on foot, leaving torched homes and looted property behind. Many are now in desperate circumstances, needing food, water, shelter and medical attention. We received a report from our school project in Agok, saying 2,800 arrived there seeking shelter, but many had to sleep on open ground or in the bush.

With this blatant violation, the Khartoum regime has demonstrated contempt for the CPA as well as for international law. It already stands accused of genocide, having overseen the massacre and displacement of millions of civilians in the South and in Darfur.

We learned from the tragic Rwandan genocide in 1994 that the international community needs to provide timely security for the civilian population, and hold the belligerent parties accountable for agreements they make and for crimes they commit.

In Rwanda the UN lacked a mandate to protect civilians. In Sudan, the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has this in UNSC Resolution 1590, but is neither able nor willing to use it. When northern forces overran Abyei in 2008 — and now yet again — UNMIS let the civilians fend for themselves while their personnel took shelter in bunkers and their military equipment stayed in their compound. The media reported their compound received mortar fire during the attack, and afterward, their helicopters were shot at.

The UN secretary general recently called for a new, more robust UNMIS force; one that will protect civilians. The innocent people of South Sudan, like the Rwandans before them, are dependent upon the good will of the international community to protect them. Will the world again fail to protect the innocent?

Mr. Harper, your government is to be commended for taking a principled stand when required. Five years ago you said: “You can’t lead from the bleachers. I want Canada to be a leader…a country that really leads, not a country that just follows.” You described serving in a UN-mandated, Canadian-led security operation as … “the very best of the Canadian tradition: providing leadership on global issues; stepping up to the plate; doing good when good is required.”

Is this not the perfect time for Canada to “step up to the plate” and provide the leadership on this critical global issue? Perhaps it is “for such a time as this” that you lead a majority government. Certainly doing good in Sudan is what is needed there now. Will any other country step up to the plate if Canada doesn’t lead?

Canada has pledged its support for the peace process in Sudan, and contributed significant tax payer money to it for many years. This could all be for naught if the recent Abyei violation is not challenged immediately with determination.

Specifically, we urge your government to insist that the Khartoum regime:
1. Withdraw its forces from Abyei immediately
2. Recognize the authority of the Abyei Administration, as called for by the CPA, but which was summarily dismissed last week

3. Provide funds to the Abyei administration in order to compensate for:
a) the loss of civilian life and property,
b) assisting displaced civilians to return and get re-established,
c) replenishing the supplies looted from UN and other humanitarian organizations, and
d) restoring Administration and commercial organizations’ buildings, furnishings and supplies that were destroyed or looted

Most importantly, we also urge your government to:
1. Put “boots on the ground” in a leadership role of a new, more robust UNMIS as called for by the UN Secretary General; and

2. Insure that protection of civilian life and property is its highest priority.
This new UNMIS should also ensure that violations of peace agreements made under the auspices of the international community will have dire consequences in the future for those who show contempt for peace and innocent human life.

Sincerely yours,
Mel Middleton
Executive Director,
Freedom Quest International,
Box 173, Three Hills, AB, T0M2A0
403-443-6023, or 250-398-2176

Posted in Abyei, Activism, Arab Militia, Central Sudan Government, Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Darfur, International Support, Omar al-Bashir, Southern Sudan, SPLA, SPLM, Statements and Op-Eds | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Canadian Activists Post an Open Letter to P.M. Harper on Sudan Crisis

IRD says: Support Sudan’s Marginalized People Groups

Reposted from The IRD, June 3, 2011 (

June 3, 2011
Contact: Jeff Walton 202-682-4131, 202-413-5639 cell

“Khartoum has already demonstrated its intentions to violate human rights and break the covenants that it had made.”
– Faith J.H. McDonnell, IRD Church Alliance for a New Sudan Director

Washington, DC—In July, South Sudan will become Africa’s 54th nation. But in spite of the successful independence referendum by the people of the south, Sudan itself remains a country of people groups oppressed, marginalized, and killed by their own government.

Today the north/south border regions are under threat from the Islamist regime in Khartoum, led by Sudanese President Omar al Bashir. Bashir, who is under indictment by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, has announced that after the separation of the south, Sudan will be a Shari’a-ruled Islamic state, and that the indigenous cultures and languages of Sudan’s people will be eliminated.

On Saturday, June 4, Sudanese from Abyei, Nuba Mountains, Darfur, Beja land in Eastern Sudan, Blue Nile, and the far north of Nubia, joined by Southern Sudanese and other concerned citizens will hold a rally at Freedom Plaza (1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW) in Washington, DC at 1 p.m. to protest against the atrocities being committed against the Sudanese people.

IRD Religious Liberty Director Faith J.H. McDonnell commented:

“Khartoum is an egregious violator of human rights and has broken the covenants that it had made in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

“It rejected the CPA protocol calling for it to implement the decision of an objective Abyei Boundary Commission, that Abyei belonged to the South, as the traditional land of the Ngok Dinka.

“Rather than insist that Khartoum follow the boundary commission’s ruling, the matter was brought to the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague. Again, Abyei was found to belong to South Sudan. And again, Khartoum refused to abide by the decision over this oil-rich region.

“This past May, the town of Abyei was again burned and looted by militias. More than 60,000 people were forced to flee their homes and are now without access to food, water, and shelter.

“Currently Khartoum has 50,000 Sudan Armed Forces and 20,000 Popular Defense Force militiamen stationed in the Nuba Mountains and has threatened war. Khartoum imposed another indicted war criminal, Ahmed Haroun, as Nuba Mountains governor, rigging the election to defeat the popular SPLM candidate, Commander Abdelaziz Adam al Hilu.

“I hope that the members of Congress who have supported the marginalized people of Sudan will raise this crisis before President Obama and his Administration.”

The Institute on Religion & Democracy works to reaffirm the church’s biblical and historical teachings, strengthen and reform its role in public life, protect religious freedom, and renew democracy at home and abroad.


Posted in Abyei, Activism, Arab Militia, Central Sudan Government, Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Election Violence, International Support, Nuba Mountains, Omar al-Bashir, SPLA, U.S. Congress Action | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on IRD says: Support Sudan’s Marginalized People Groups

Raising a Cry for the Threatened Beja People of Eastern Sudan by Faith J. H. McDonnell

Originally published at The Institute on Religion and Democracy

After this event, we learned that it was watched online with great interest, not only by Beja in Eastern Sudan, but apparently, by representatives of the National Congress Party government in Khartoum. The next day, they had their own “briefing” on Eastern Sudan. Needless to say, their conclusions were very different from our own.

This does demonstrate the value of our advocacy, our media, our voices for peace, justice, and freedom in Sudan. Khartoum pays attention and is uncomfortable when we fail to play the usual appeasement game.


Hudson Institute Sudan Briefing

From left: Ibrahim Ahmed, Walid Phares, Faith McDonnell, Jimmy Mulla, and Paul Marshall


It is quite a commentary about a country when one can refer to a previous genocide, and a current genocide, in order to distinguish them from yet another potential genocide taking place in the same country. And so, in speaking of Sudan, one can refer to the previous, unacknowledged genocide in South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile, with the killing of over 2.5 million people and the displacement of over 5 million. One can refer to the current, acknowledged (in a moment of rare, startling, and quickly regretted frankness by the U.S. State Department) genocide taking place in Darfur. And one must distinguish these from the areas of potential genocide, such as is now taking place with the Beja in Eastern Sudan.  

On Wednesday, April 27, 2011, The Institute on Religion and Democracy and The Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom co-sponsored a discussion on another of Sudan’s marginalized and oppressed people groups. “Eastern Sudan: Threats to the Beja People and Global Security,” focused on the indigenous black, African people of Sudan’s east, the Beja.  

Panelists at the discussion, held at The Hudson Institute, included Ibrahim Tahir Ahmed, a member of the Beja people group and co-leader of the Beja Congress, Washington, DC chapter; Dr. Walid Phares, author, analyst, advisor, and commentator on terrorism; Jimmy Mulla, president of advocacy group, Voices for Sudan; and Faith McDonnell, director of The IRD’s Religious Liberty Program and Church Alliance for a New Sudan. Dr. Paul Marshall of The Hudson Institute served as moderator. 

Ahmed spoke about the threats to the Beja people from the radical Islamist regime in Khartoum, and how the Beja are suffering under extreme poverty and lack of development, even though their land contains some of Sudan’s, and the world’s, richest resources. Now they are also being displaced from their ancestral lands. The Khartoum regime is giving the land of Beja to the Rashaida, a non-Sudanese Bedouin people. 

An analysis of the situation written by Beja Congress provides additional information. And an article by Faith McDonnell for Front Page Magazine, “Khartoum’s Next Jihad,” further explains the agenda of the National Islamic Front regime towards the Beja. 

The connection of Eastern Sudan to Islamic jihadists like Hamas and Hezbollah was explained by Dr. Walid Phares. Phares’ new book, The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East, includes a chapter on Sudan. He explained that Khartoum is involved in “demographic modification,” another name for the ethnic cleansing by which Khartoum is attempting to eradicate the black, African identity of Sudan and give it an identity as an Arab Islamist country. He also talked about the Jihadi/Salafi activities of Khartoum that are focused on Port Sudan, including terrorist training camps, the movement of terrorists from Somalia and elsewhere through Port Sudan, the passage of weapons, and the use of the area during the Egyptian revolution to release terrorists.  He also noted Eastern Sudan’s Iranian connections and influence. 

Faith McDonnell’s article “Hezbollah and Hamas: The Sudanese Connection,” in Front Page Magazine describes Sudan’s role in global terrorism. 

Finally, both Mulla and McDonnell stressed the need for advocacy for all of Sudan’s marginalized and oppressed people and for the Beja in particular. Mulla reminded the audience that because of the successful completion of the South Sudan Referendum, the U.S. government intends to “reward” Khartoum by lifting sanctions and removing the terrorist designation. He warned that this would be a serious mistake that Voices for Sudan would oppose. 

McDonnell echoed Mulla’s concerns, and called attention to a petition that the Beja Congress and friends of the Beja had created in order to urge Congress to encourage that U.S. Sudan policy include an acknowledgment of and support for the Beja as a marginalized people group in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. Please feel free to sign the petition and to forward it to others who may wish to sign.

Sign the petition by the Beja Congress & Friends of the Beja to end the Sudanes Government’s human rights violation against the Beja of Eastern Sudan. 

A video of this event is available on the Hudson Institute website. We hope that by raising this cry, the Beja will be acknowledged as one of Sudan’s valuable indigenous people groups, with roots reaching back 6000 years, and that their culture will not be destroyed.

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Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Rally in DC on Saturday, June 4 for Sudan’s Victims of Khartoum Jihad:

Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Date: Saturday, June 4, 2011
Location: Freedom Plaza
1:00 PM

The people of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, in collaboration with Darfuris, Easterners, Nubians, journalists, civil society groups as well as representatives of Sudanese political parties of Sudan in the U.S. urge you to attend the planned rally in Washington DC on June 4, 2011 to advocate for real peace in Sudan.

We call on the International Community to take serious measures against the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan for its blatant crimes against its citizens across the country. It was Khartoum’s injustices, coercion and inequalities which led to the rebellion in South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan. The United Nations has acknowledged that more than 2 million were killed and many millions more were displaced in South Sudan alone during the last war between North and South Sudan, which has been halted by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005. The scope of the crimes of the NCP in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions remain unknown.

Today, the same government is mercilessly carrying out brutal attacks in the western section of the country (Darfur) where the UN speaks of more than 300,000 people being killed. Millions have been displaced internally and externally, living in refugee camps where the government continuous its coercions. The government has targeted civilians by bombing and razing their cities, towns, villages and poisoning wells which are the only sources for drinking water in Darfur. The ongoing disgraceful crimes in Darfur have been qualified a “genocide” and the sitting President Omar Al- Bashir, along with cabinet members Ahmed Mohamed Harun and Ali Kusheb have been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity and genocide. Nonetheless, all the perpetrators of the atrocities in Sudan remain free, unconcerned and continue their crimes loudly and blatantly in a clear defiance to the world’s rule of law.

Furthermore, the regime of Khartoum has boldly breached the internationally guaranteed CPA which many in the country and abroad view as a model for bringing justice and peace in Sudan. The ruling National Congress Party reneged on protocols of Power Sharing, Wealth Sharing and Security Arrangements. Many reports by international organizations such as Concordis International and Small Armed Survey have shown that Khartoum has accumulated more than 50,000 of its troops in the volatile state of South Kordofan which borders four Southern States plus Abyei. The Concordis estimated in its report of 2010 that Khartoum has a paramilitary force (Popular Defense Forces, PDF) of about “20,000” in the fragile state of South Kordofan alone.

In April 19, 2011, George Clooney’s Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP) reported that its analysis of Digital Globe satellite imagery showed evidence consistent with intentional burning in South Kordofan. The incident was executed by the PDF under the command of Ahmed Harun, one of the indicted men for various crimes in Sudan’s Darfur. The event were carried in town of El-fed Um-Abdalla where more than 20 people, including two women and a child, were burned to death in one of more than 300 razed homes.

On April 27, 2011, President Bashir reiterated publicly his government’s policy of war and crimes by promising to prosecute the Nuba people from “hill to hill and from cave to cave” by “artillery or by horses”. The mention of use of horse is a terrorizing reference to the Janjawid militia which is currently in operation in Darfur.

Other violations of Human Rights and Democracy are on the NCP’s agenda. Bashir has stated, also publicly, that his regime will proclaim Sudan an “an Islamic and an Arabic State” when South Sudan separates from the rest of the country in July 9 of this year. The government has continuously detained journalists and restricted freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of mobilization all of which are enshrined in Sudan’s Interim Constitution. Human rights advocates and prodemocracy groups have been repressed with an iron fist. Amnesty International and various such organizations have expressed alarm that students and pro-democracy advocates have increasingly been kidnapped, raped, tortured and detained by the NCP arbitrarily. In addition, Khartoum’s tie with terrorist organizations such as Hamas is continuous. Recently, Israel has launched several aerial strikes in Sudan targeting convoys of cargos loaded with weapons intended for Palestinian terrorists Hamas.

To demand human rights and the same consideration being given to those who have just recently begun to protest in such places as Egypt, Libya, Yemen, etc., Sudanese and their various civil society organizations in the U.S. will hold a demonstration and rally to raise awareness about the danger the NCP presents to Sudanese and to the global security and to inspire popular uprising across Sudan to remove one of the most notorious regimes in the world today.

Please come to support the Sudanese in their cause of justice, freedom and peace across Sudan.

A memo will be delivered to the Obama Administration, Ban-Ki Moon, Secretary of UN, members of U.S. Congress, Representative of EU in U.S., to IGAD, and Think-Tanks.

For more information please contact:

Gafar Kangam: [email protected]; 571-331-2834 or
Ibrahim Alhag: 703-209-4592

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Abyei is an occupied zone, UN must use chapter 7

Washington DC, Brussels

In a series of briefings to US Congressional offices and European Parliament offices, Professor Walid Phares, Co-Secretary General of the Transatlantic Parliamentary-Legislative Group on Counter Terrorism described the North Sudan military action in Abyei as an “invasion” against internationally endorsed agreements, thus “the area is now an occupied zone which responsibility falls under the aegis of the UN Security Council. The United Nations must formally ask the Bashir regime, already under indictment for Genocide in Darfur, to immediately pull its forces from the area. The UN must use Chapter 7 to eventually take action against the occupying forces, accused by several local NGOs of brutality against civilians.”

Phares added “the UN must consider an immediate action of deterrence against Khartoum forces, and in protection of civilians. The Khartoum regime has been defying the UN and international law and has demonstrated in the past its capacity of hurting civilians. Thousands of men, women and children have left the area for fear of persecution. Hence the area should be designated as under security threat and should be put under Chapter 7 status for the protection of its population.”

Khartoum regime forces

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